• Field of work
  • Blockchain·Pin-Tech·Finance


The Blockchain technology is a very much present phenomenon, not a suggested idea for the future.

When personal computers were first materialized, the manufacturers had not expected a high demand for them. In the same way, the world-class consulting group Mackinsey & Co. had declared the first smartphone premature. These two items, however, have changed the entirety of the world we live in. It will be more or less the same with the Blockchain.

It is rather unfortunate that Korea’s law in force is not quite in step with the ever-developing technologies. How the issues surrounding the Blockchain are to be interpreted legally is still unaddressed, though the trivialities of everyday life may soon be affected by this new technology, not to mention substantial realities of big data and platform businesses.

On the other hand, this state of affairs may mean more opportunities. You may become a primary agent in episodes before the mass adaptation of the Blockchain, and even recorded in our legal history. Publicity may work for you in marketing aspects, unintended, and lead to more investment in your business.

We would like to stress that, should you be faced with a legal problem involving the Blockchain, that crisis may actually turn out to be beneficial. The optimal approach to such a new technology as the Blockchain requires more than a good sense for business. There are too many uncertainties and unknowns in this field for the general legal profession to be vastly knowledgeable.

We at KNK, however, have planned and opened a mini-market based on a Blockchain, the first of its kind in Korea, and followed it up with a broadcasting service based on the Steem Blockchain. We are currently running the sociopolitical show program, Shoot Towards Tomorrow, as part of our Steem broadcasting project. This will be the basis for the launch of our own token economy, with its own coin and ICO. These activities are matched by studies of theoretical aspects of the Blockchain technology, through a relevant graduate course.

We at KNK urge you to make ample use of our passion and experience in the Blockchain.








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